Rose Queen of Sweden

Roses for summer colour

We have a new selection of roses now in stock including climbing roses ‘Arthur Bell’ (yellow), ‘Creme de la creme’ (creamy white), ‘Dublin Bay’ (red) and ‘Zephrine Drouhin’ (pink).

Our Floribunda varieties include ‘Chinatown’ (yellow), ‘Remembrance’ (bright red) and ‘Margaret Merrill’ (white).

If you want hybrid tea roses we have ‘Blessings’ (salmon-pink), ‘Silver Jubilee’ (apricot), ‘Pascali’ (white) and ‘Red Devil’ (scarlet-red) as well as many others.

To keep your roses looking healthy all summer, try to give them as close to ideal growing conditions as possible. Make sure your rose is planted in well-drained soil in a sunny location with good airflow. Try not to plant them densely or too close to other plants as this will reduce air circulation, which will create a still, humid microclimate where black spot can spread, especially in wet years. If you can, plant them in an area where they get morning sun, which will quickly dry moisture from the leaves of overnight dew or rain. This makes fungal spores less likely to infect your roses because they need to be continuously wet for about 6 hours before infection occurs.

Alternatively, you can start to spray your roses with Resolva Rose 3 in 1, which is a fungicide and insecticide. Spray all the foliage so it is completely covered, and this prevent black spot infection for up to 3 weeks. The key is to prevent black spot from happening instead of treating it. To do this, starting now, spray your roses every 2 weeks all through summer.

On top of that, remember to water your roses and when you do, give them a good deep soaking

Roger Eavis