Seeds & Bulbs

We currently stock Mr Fothergill’s flower, vegetable and herbs seeds along with Sarah Raven’s Seed Collections, Franchi Seeds of Italy and Jekka McVicar.  With flower seeds ranging from Antirrhinum to Wallflower, vegetable seeds from Aubergine to Tomato and herb seeds from Basil to Watercress, we have good selection to choose from.  Runner, French, Broad and Dwarf Beans are also available as are wild flower seed mixtures. We have a range of bulbs and seed potatoes available at the relevant times of year.

Flower Seeds


We stock our own selection of Mr Fothergill’s Flower Seeds, so we have some unusual varieties that you do not normally find in the standard seed collections at many other Garden Centres.


Sarah Raven Achillea Summer Berries

Sarah Raven’s Brilliant for Bees & Butterflies Collection

We also have two flower seed collections chosen by Sarah Raven, the professional gardener and television presenter who has appeared on BBC’s Gardeners’ World.  Sarah also produced the series Bees, Butterflies and Blooms that encouraged gardeners to grow varieties of flowers that are good for the bees’ habitat and food supply, hence we have Sarah Raven’s Seed Collection Brilliant for Bees and Butterflies that contains a range of seeds that encourage bees and butterflies. We also have available Sarah Raven’s Seed Collection Cut Flowers and Gorgeous Gardens – a wonderful collection of seeds for growing on to produce cut flowers for displays or just to keep the garden looking colourful.

Vegetable Seeds


Franchi Purple King

Franchi Seeds of Italy Vegetable Collection

For something different, we also sell Franchi vegetable seed from Seeds of Italy.  These are traditional Italian regional varieties many of which come from the Alps, Dolomite or Apennine areas of Italy, so they are used to much colder climates than the UK can throw at them.

The feedback we get from our customers about the vegetables they produce is always very positive so we are pleased to stock them.

We also have a wide range of vegetable seeds available from Mr Fothergill’s Seed Collection including carrots, leeks, beans, peas, squashes, courgettes, a large selection of tomato varieties as well as many more.

 In the spring, we stock a range of seed potatoes including first earlies, second earlies and maincrop seed potatoes. We also have onion, shallot and garlic sets available.

Herb Seeds


Jekka McVicar's Herb Collection

Jekka McVicar’s Herb Collection

As well as the standard herb collection that we sell from Mr Fothergill’s Seeds, we also have the Jekka McVicar Herb Collection available.


Jekka McVicar is the UK’s leading expert on herbs. She has her own herb farm which has the largest display of garden herbs in the UK. Jekka has also written for many gardening magazines, written books on herbs and appeared on many gardening and cookery programmes on television.


At Greenshutters Garden Centre, we stock spring, summer and autumn flowering bulbs. These can be planted in the spring or autumn and will produce flowers and colour from early spring until late summer.

Spring Flowering Bulbs


Narcissus Tete a Tete

Narcissus Tete a Tete (Dwarf Daffodil)

Bulbs that flower in the spring such as Daffodils, Tulips and Crocus have to be planted in the autumn or winter.  We have a range of types and varieties available from September to December.  Spring flowering bulbs herald the arrival of spring with bright colours.

Spring flower bulbs include Daffodils and other narcissi (Narcissus being the botanical or latin name for daffodils and dwarf daffodils), Tulips, Crocus, Irises, indoor and outdoor Hyacinths, Alliums plus a range of other spring flowering bulbs. 

Summer and Autumn Flowering Bulbs


Dahlia Bishop of Llandaff

Dahlia Bishop of Llandaff

Bulbs that flower in the summer and/or autumn must be planted in the spring. These include Begonia, Gladioli, Lilies and Dahlia.

We have summer and autumn flowering bulbs in stock from January to April.