Christmas Trees at 2020 Prices + £10 Voucher
We have held the prices of our cut British Christmas trees for another year. They are now available from the garden centre and we are expecting a busy couple of weekends. Please come and see our new display, we have Santa’s sleigh that he is storing at Greenshutters until he needs it on Christmas Eve.

Potted Christmas Trees
Nordman Fir and Fraser Fir are the best for holding their needles. Norway Spruce are the traditional Christmas trees with that familiar Christmas aroma. We have cut trees from 4ft (1.2m) to 10ft (3m) tall. We also have pot-grown Nordman Fir and potted Blue Spruce.
In addition, for every tree purchased, we are giving customers a £10 Greenshutters Garden Centre Gift Voucher to spend in our garden centre, valid from 2nd January 2024 to 30th April 2024.
When setting up your Christmas tree, avoid placing them too close to heat sources such as radiators, fireplaces, or south-facing windows as this will cause excessive moisture loss.
If you are using a cut tree, then make a fresh cut across the base of the trunk to help it absorb water. Place your tree in a stand with a well of water in the base. If you don’t have a stand, you can buy one of our Cinco tree stands that are easy to use, hold the tree securely and have a large water reservoir. Check daily and top up the water when the level drops.
If you have a potted Christmas tree, then only bring it indoors as late as possible. About one week before Christmas will be ideal, and then move it back outdoors as soon as possible. You can either plant your tree out in the garden after Christmas, or pot it on into a bigger container with good quality compost and feed—we recommend our 12 month controlled-release fertiliser that will keep it fed until next Christmas. Remember to water it from early spring to autumn and don’t forget to ask a neighbour to water it if you go away in the summer.
Christmas wreaths are also available in different sizes with mixed or fir foliage. We also have Designer Wreaths hand-made by our staff.