Our Shop

Miracle-Gro-All-Purpose-Soluble-Plant-FoodOur shop stocks a range of gardening products including a wide selection of plant feeds and plant protection products as well as seeds and bulbs, hoses and connectors.

From strimmer line to glasshouse clips to plant supports such as canes, twine and herbaceous plant hoops, we have a range of options available. Plant propagation trays and pots for growing on are also available.

Plant Feeds (Fertilisers) include Miracle Gro All Purpose Plant Food, Westland Boost, Liquid Seaweed, Blood, Fish & Bone as well as our own 12-14 month controlled-release feed that we use on the nursery – this professional feed is only from us and can be used on most plants when planting out or being kept in pots.

Yorkshire Flowerpots

Yorkshire Flowerpots

Glazed and terracotta pots are available throughout the year including the guaranteed frost-proof Yorkshire Flowerpots that are British made to withstand the harshest of winters.

Melcourt Sylvagrow Compost

We stock a range of peat-free composts including Melcourt’s Sylvagrow Multipurpose Compost (Which! Best Buy) and Sylvagrow with added John Innes Compost.

We also sell Westland Peat-Free Multipurpose Compost with added John Innes, Ericaceous Compost (for Rhododendrons, Azaleas and Camelias) and peat-free John Innes Composts.

We also sell Growbags, Tomato & Salad bags, Houseplant Compost, Orchid Compost, Citrus Compost, Perlite, Vermiculite, Horticultural Grit, Horticultural Sand, Gravel, Top Soil, Mini Bark & Decorative Bark and Farm Yard Manure.

Peckish Bird Feed

Peckish Bird Feed

We sell quality bird feed to keep wild birds fed throughout the year.

Chapelwood Bird Box

Chapelwood Bird Box

With a range of different seed blends, feeds, treats and fat snacks available including Robin Seed & Insect, Songbird & Finch Seed blends, there are ways of attracting as many birds as possible to your garden. Seed and peanut feeders, nest boxes and bird birds are also available.