If you want flowers that come back every year, providing colour and interest during spring, summer and autumn and even in winter then planting herbaceous perennials in your garden will create a wonderful display. Most herbaceous perennials, like Delphiniums, Lupins and Hollyhocks die back in the autumn and come back in the spring with fresh leaves and masses of new flowers. Evergreen herbaceous perennials include grasses, Bergenia and Hellebores.
Herbaceous perennials are often called “Cottage Garden Plants” but you don’t need a cottage garden to enjoy them. Many will grow in pots or containers as well as in garden beds and borders.
In the garden, they can be planted in groups or swathes to create a magnificent herbaceous border as seen in many of the great gardens. Alternatively, they can be planted with shrubs, roses and conifers to create a mixed border which provides interest all year.