Clematis montana Warwickshire Rose
Clematis Dr Ruppel
Clematis Peppermint
Star Jasmine – Trachelospermum jasminoides
Winter Jasmine – Jasminum nudiflorum
Star Jasmine – Trachelospermum jasminoides
Honeysuckle (Lonicera Hall’s Prolific)
Honeysuckle Dropmore Scarlet
Honeysuckle Chic n Choc
Honeysuckle (Lonicera) are very popular as they are fast-growing with evergreen and deciduous varieties such as “Hall’s Prolific” or “Scentsation” providing quick cover and fabulous summer scent. Another stunning variety is the red-flowering honeysuckle, Dropmore Scarlet.
Wisteria Prolific
White Wisteria
Blue Wisteria
Wisteria will provide a profusion of purple, pink or white flowers in late spring. Many Wisteria are fragrant and grow well against a south-facing wall or over a pergola.
Passion Flower
Passiflora Constance Elliot
Passiflora Betty Myles Young
Passion Flowers (Passiflora) are quick-growing and have beautiful, fascinating flowers in summer. New varieties mean they are now available in a range of different blue, purple and white colours.
Passion Flowers will thrive in a sheltered, sunny spot or in a unheated conservatory.
There are many other climbers such as Ornamental and Edible Vines (Vitis), Virginia Creeper (Parthenocissus), Campsis, Climbing Roses and some more unusual climbing plants. Please see the pictures below or pop in and have a look.
Solanum Glasnevin
Chocolate Vine
Ornamental Vine
(Vitis Brant)
Oxypetalum caeruleum