Shrubs for autumn colour
Autumn is a time of change, and makes a stunning spectacle as it does so, bringing intense reds, bold oranges and hearty yellows. Shrubs can really highlight these changes just as dramatically as trees can. Shrubs offer long-term interest and structure, whether they are used in place of trees for small gardens, as an architectural feature, as a hedge or in borders.
Euonymus alatus – Burning Bush
Euonymus alatus, or Burning Bush, does its common name justice (see image above). Its leaves turn from emerald green to an intensely bright, fiery crimson-red as summer ends. Its small flowers make way for purplish-red fruit, making it a great food source for birds getting ready for winter. A fantastic, large shrub, it works well as a statement plant in the middle of a lawn or the back of a border, or as a hedge, where its stunning colour display can be appreciated. In winter, its unusual winged bark also creates a fabulous effect in the garden.
Cotinus – Smoke Bush
Cotinus coggygria, the Smoke Bush, is a small tree or large shrub, that bears large frothy clouds of flowers in spring, followed by a vibrant colour change in its foliage. Its rounded, almost circular, leaves become a tie-dye of oranges and yellows. Certain varieties we stock, such as ‘Royal Purple’ and ‘Grace’, have rich purple leaves, making the colour transition all the more dramatic.
Leucothoe is a versatile evergreen shrub. Starting in spring, it produces delicate arches of white, bell-shaped flowers, and new foliage emerges bright red. Over the course of the year, the leaves go from a glossy dark green to a deep burgundy as the months get colder. Some gorgeous forms of Leucothoe we stock are ‘Rainbow’, an elegant, variegated variety with tones of creams and pinks, and ‘Curly Red’, a low growing variety with glossy, uniquely curly leaves.
Physocarpus is a dramatic addition for any garden with its classic deep wine-red foliage and stems (though can also come in golden shades as well). In autumn, the once intensely dark leaves turn into an attractive spectrum of reds, oranges and yellows. Then, as the leaves fall, its signature peeling bark is revealed, adding textural interest for winter. ‘Little Angel’ and ‘Little Joker’ are some lovely varieties suitable for smaller gardens that we have available.