High-Class Hydrangeas | New and Traditional Varieties
The introduction of new varieties of hydrangeas are bringing this once popular shrub back into vogue. They are easy to grow and the flowerheads can be left on in the autumn and winter, as they dry out, they change colour and are good in flower arrangements. Here is an explanation of the different types of Hydrangeas and the new varieties we have available.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
Hydrangea macrophylla (Macro = Big, Phylla = Leaves)
These are the most common form of hydrangeas. There are two types within this species, Mophead Hydrangeas (also known as Hortensias) and Lacecap Hydrangeas. Mopheads have large, rounded flower heads of red, pink, blue, white and now, green flowers. New varieties include ‘Sweet Fantasy Violet’, ‘Hopcorn Blue’ and the green-flowered ‘Green Cloud’.
Lacecap Hydrangeas have tiny flower buds in the centre of the flower surrounded by showy flowers that circle the edge of the flowerhead (see image Hydrangea Teller Red). Some of the best varieties are still the traditional Teller series including Pink, Red and White. ‘Love Me Kiss’ is a superb new lacecap variety.
Hydrangea macrophylla tend to grow between 1.2-1.8m (4-6ft) tall.

Hydrangea paniculata
The paniculata species have panicle or cone-shaped flowers and grow to above 1.8-2.4m (6-8ft) tall. The popular traditional variety being ‘Limelight’ that comes out as a lime-white colour and turns to white and then pale pink. There are many new exciting varieties with different size flowers that open white and turn varying shades of pink. Some of the best new varieties being ‘Pinky Winky’, ‘Diamant Rouge’, ‘Phantom’, ‘Vanilla Fraise’, ‘Levana’ and ‘Polar Bear’.

Hyrangea aborescens
The very popular Hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle’ has masses of huge, globular white flowers that put on a real show in summer. There are now new varieties or H. arborescens including ‘Sweet Annabelle’ that produces balls of pink flowers that change colour throughout the season (see front cover photo), ‘Ruby Annabelle’ (a darker shade) and, also, ‘Pink Annabelle’.