Cornus kousa in flower

Cornus kousa – Flowering Dogwood

Cornus kousa (Chinese Dogwood) is a must have for any garden, big or small. Its prolific flowering throughout early summer provides clouds of white and pink blooms. As these fade, they are often followed by bright pink or red edible fruits, and then an astounding array of autumn colour, ranging from deep reds and purples to bright crimsons and oranges. This small tree (or large shrub) is exceptionally hardy in the UK, and will happily grow in most soils, clay included, as well as enjoy a full sun to partial shade position. Some varieties of C. kousa can grow as tall as 26ft (8m), or as short as 5ft (1.5m)


We have the following varieties:

Cornus kousa ‘Wieting’s Select’ – A particularly profuse flowerer, with small creamy, almost lime coloured, flowers that age to a pale pink. During autumn, the emerald green leaves turn a burning red to match the bright red fruit. Ultimate height and width, 20ft x 13ft (6m x 4m).


Cornus kousa ‘Madame Butterfly’ – Long white flowers with dark pink tips that turn upward cover its branches, giving the appearance of numerous butterflies. Its dark green foliage turns to deep reds and purples in autumn. Ultimate height and width, 16ft (5m).


Cornus kousa ‘China Girl’ – A vigorous and free-flowering kousa that starts from an early age, it becomes covered with large, showy white flowers. Deep pink fruit appears after, and the once dark green oval leaves become rich reds and oranges. Ultimate height and width, 13ft (4m).


Cornus kousa ‘Teresa’ – An exceptionally elegant form of C. kousa, due to its slender white and bright green variegated leaves.


Cornus kousa ‘Satomi’ – Its spreading branches are covered with rich pink flowers throughout June, making way for pink fruits, while its dark green leaves turn to brilliant shades of oranges and reds in the autumn. Ultimate height and width, 13ft x 10ft (4m x 3m)


Cornus kousa ‘Bonfire’ – The slightly wavy, bright gold and green foliage makes a stunning backdrop for the creamy white flowers, which will tinge pink as they mature. As autumn comes, the leaves will brighten as they turn to shades of crimson. Ultimate height and width, 10ft (3m).


For more information about other trees we sell, please click here.


Cornus kousa Satomi

Cornus kousa Satomi

Cornus kousa Weitings Select

Cornus kousa Weitings Select

Cornus kousa Madame Butterfly

Cornus kousa Madame Butterfly

Cornus kousa China Girl

Cornus kousa China Girl


Roger Eavis